All Packages come with an extensive phone consultation along with emails for help with deciding on Looks and Outfits and Hi-res jpgs of the entire session via Pixieset within 2 to 3 business days of shoot.
A non-refundable deposit is require for all Packages to hold the shoot date. Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy: $150 fee if you cancel or reschedule within 4 business days (weekends and holidays not included in business days) before your shoot date. If for some reason I need to cancel/reschedule in the same time frame, I will also adhere to this policy and refund your deposit unless I am feeling sick from the Rona. I understand that time is money and no matter how valid a reason for short notice cancellation is, it doesn't pay the bills.
All my work is technically guaranteed. This means everything the photographer controls is covered. For example: exposure, processing and lighting. The client is responsible for marketing strategy, clothing, and all around basic attitude. Since we shoot digitally you can see what needs to be changed before we shoot. This is the time for you to accept or change what you see. Remember you need to tell me what you want to say in your photos. I can only guide you to the end result; I cannot decide it for you. Also very important –if I make a suggestion during the shoot, you always have the option to say NO. I know this sounds a bit simplistic, but believe it or not, I’m not always right (go figure) and you need to speak up before we shoot something you may not be comfortable doing.
Other than the above-mentioned technical malfunctions, a refund or free re-shoots will not be provided.
I'm now accepting VENMO and ZELLE!! My handle is Laura-Burke-5.
Package #1 - $750

Package #2 - $525

Basically this Package is good for Da Guys. Included is an in depth phone consultation about "Looks" and outfits along with emails to help choose your clothes. I'M HERE TO HELP YOU!!
Power Hour - $375

Best Deal. Seriously.
If you are uber prepared and comfortable in front of the camera and I'M HERE TO HELP YOU so please take advantage!! Included is an in depth phone consultation about "Looks" and outfits along with emails to help choose your clothes. When you arrive, we take about 20 minutes give or take to fine tune your looks/outfits and pick backgrounds. Then the official Power Hour starts!